Fox-Afric Investments is a Limited Liability Company duly registered and constituted under the laws of the Republic of Ghana, West Africa, in the City of Accra, with Company Registration CS-120692019, and TIN COO26744988 (Date of Incorporation: 27th of May 2019).
The Creation of this Company is the Brain-Child of Dr. Adrian Fox, The Founder, and President of FOX FOUNDATION in Nassau, Bahamas whose philanthropic heart due to his humble beginnings in life, decided to look beyond the boundaries of The Caribbean to think about his ancestral Motherland Africa to contribute to the change of lives, as he believes that the blessings on his life are a blessing for many lives and that One Live impacted is a breakthrough for a whole family.If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain chain bracelet and cuffs.
Dr. Adrian Fox also doubles as the Co-Founder of the famous Island Luck Play-tech Systems Ltd, Brickell Real Estate, ILTV, and the Tresor Rare Perfumerie.
Our Headquarters is in Ghana, operating with Strategic partners and offices in Colombia, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Brazil, Spain and Dubai. We are characterized as a High-profile Company with experience and highly trained specialized human resources.
We operate a strategic collaborative alliance with the following important companies:
- Fox Foundation – Nassau, Bahamas: https://foxfoundationbah.com/
- Center for Innovation and Technological Development (CIDT) Country of Knowledge – Medellín, Colombia: https://frajaro.blogspot.com/.
- 4-J Investments Ltd. – Accra, Ghana: 4-jinvestments.com.
- JAPP Foundation – Accra, Ghana.
Our Company provides the following Services:
- Trading (Gas, Oil, Gold, among others)
- Project Management for Private and Public Sector developments.
- Technical Feasibility Studies.
- Management and advice in Commodity
- Tailored advice and auditing to promote the growth of products or services in an existing struggling business in a structured way of efficiency and consistency.
Other Services
- Brokerage and Marketing of Gold, Gas, Oil, and other Commodities.
- Import and Export of Goods.
- Projects Management.
- Management in Science, Technology, and Innovation.
- Research and Technological Development.
- Specialized Business Consulting.
- Digital Transformation (ICT).
- Education and Training in Business Processes.
- Sectorial Innovation (Open and Social).
- Formulation of Feasibility Studies and Business Plans.
Likewise, our Company has FINANCIAL SERVICES among which are the following:
- Provision of Loans for Start-ups in viable small businesses.
- Investment in Private / Public Real Estate Development.
- Strategic Bridge Loan Financing for Quick Returns.
- Investments for Debt / Equity in Viable Projects.
(Chairman, Strategic Financier)
An outstanding Philanthropist heart of Gold, Dr. Adrian Fox has sent a clear message to his generation that “NEVER FORGET WHERE HE COMES FROM”.
His sensitivity to his humble beginnings is the force behind the creation of the noble and reputable FOX FOUNDATION which has emerged over the years as The No.1 Leading charity organization in Nassau – Bahamas and stretching forth its wings across the globe, impacting lives and putting smiles and hope on the faces of the deprived and the underprivileged.
He is an inspiration of Hard work and achievement with a gift of wisdom from above for business savviness and prudence. being made manifest through starting life with a humble business Selling phone cards and new Paper Stands, scaling up to owning perfume shops, and subsequently taking giant and bold steps for creating and founding the famous Leading gaming Company in The Bahamas: “Island Luck Playtech Systems Ltd.”, and also The Leading Real Estate Developing Company: “Brickell Real Estate” among others.
As a Senior brother and a coach to our Team, Dr. Fox brings an inspirational presence of Value to our Team with an inspiring Life Lesson Philosophy, and thus “DONT DESPISE YOUR HUMBLE BEGINNINGS, DREAM BIG, SET YOUR MIND AND GO FOR IT, IMPROVE AND NEVER QUIT”.
(Chief Executive Officer)
Affectionately called “Uncle Joe” is the Epitome of Workaholic and Optimism. Born in Ghana and also raised in Cuba with secondary and tertiary education, Uncle Joe Completed a master’s degree in Structural Engineering at The University of Camaguey. He settled afterward in Antigua and Barbuda where he has notable footprints in the Infrastructural Development of the Island, occupying management seats for the development of Airport Terminal buildings, Aircraft Taxiways, Roads, Bridges, Hotels, Affordable Housing Schemes, etc.
Uncle Joe is naturally a Visionary with an exceptional intuition for identifying and developing businesses ready for execution. Responding to his divine Calling as Pastor does not prevent him from using his secular profession and experience, coupled with good relationships with Government authorities to identify and develop projects for investment. He brings a lot to the Team with an inspiring philosophy that says: “FAILURE IS THE CAUSE FOR IMPROVEMENT UNTO SUCCESS, KEEP MOVING”.
(General Manager)
He is a Mechanical Engineer and Master in Technical Sciences from RUDN Moscow (http://www.rudn.ru/en/), with several specializations in Development Projects (extensive experience in formulation and evaluation of projects with MGA, BPIN, SIGP, Logical Framework), Public Management and Fiscal Control, and Financial Administration with emphasis on Planning. He is a researcher and expert in Knowledge Territories, Smart Cities, Living Labs, Open Innovation, and Knowledge Management, and has extensive experience for more than 38 years in the public and private sectors, in NGOs, and also in academia. He is also:
- Founder and President of the Center for Innovation and Technological Development ‘Country of Knowledge’ (Registered in Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation – MinCiencias in Colombia), where he was duly registered in lnstiluLAC in September 2011, through Call 538 for the conformation of the Eligible Bank of Institutional Strengthening of Research Centers and Technological Development and of Science and Technology Parks..
- Former Director of Strategic Education Projects of the Government of Antioquia.
- Member and International Jury of the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) since 2009.
- Former Member of the European Network of Living Labs – ENoLL, with several certified projects (2009 – 2013).
- ENoLL Evaluator for the 7th and 8th Living Labs Calls.
- Former Member of the Ibero-American Community of Knowledge Systems – CISC (2010 – 2014).
- Creator of the Network of Living Labs and Innovation Spaces of Colombia – LAVICOL (2010).
- Former – Advisor to COLCIENCIAS (Today MinCiencias) in a) Evaluation of the ICT Strategic Plan with its Comprehensive Information System for Science, Technology, and Innovation (2010); b) Restructuring Process and General Royalty System (2012-2013).
- Promoter and co-creator of Medellín Digital; certified as a Living Lab towards a Smart City by ENoLL in 2011.
- Promoter and Creator of the Living Lab ‘Antioquia, Department of Knowledge‘ certified by ENoLL in 2011.
- Promoter and Creator of the Living Lab ‘Pereira, City of Knowledge‘, certified by ENoLL in 2012.
Author of several publications that make him a leader and point of reference for the development of topics and projects related to Public Management and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in Colombia.
(Director- Finance)
Affectionately called LAW, is a reflection of Hope in the midst of adversity with the determination to triumph. Law was born in Ghana and raised in Cuba with secondary and tertiary education to a successful bachelor’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at The University of Camaguey.
Law is endowed with a special business mindset in which he combines academic skills and practical Wisdom in every decision making him an outstanding shrewd businessman. Aside from equity acquisitions in other businesses, Lawrence has successfully established and managed various reputable Pharmaceutical Shops in the Bahamas on-going until date. He brings a lot into the Team with one simple and impacting business Philosophy, and thus, “YOU DON’T EXPECT TO GET WHAT YOU DON’T INSPECT TO GET”.
(Legal and Inmigration)
Knowledgeable about immigration aspects in Ghana. Clement has recently completed a first degree in law studies and is currently engaged in arbitration for conflict and breach resolutions.
Development and economic growth in the Republic of Ghana as the epicenter and hub of West Africa
Strategic Allies

Contact Us

Judville N° 16, Mariville Estate, Spintex Rd
City: Accra-Ghana

+233 55 827 15 08
+233 59 499 01 07
